News & Media Publisher

One of the biggest News & Media Publisher in Poland



News & Media Publisher

One of the biggest News & Media Publisher in Poland



News & Media Publisher

One of the biggest News & Media Publisher in Poland




We developed an innovative website to host a unique auction, allowing users to bid on a digital version of an article that addresses critical social issues, along with its specially designed cover. The cover, minted as a non-fungible token (NFT), was awarded to the highest bidder. 

This auction aimed to raise funds for a foundation dedicated to children's mental health. We created a seamless and engaging platform that facilitated the auction process and highlighted the importance of the cause.


Backend;Frontend;Design;FAQ about auction


Project timeline





Quality Assurance

Implementing rigorous testing procedures to ensure bug-free features.

Quality Assurance

Implementing rigorous testing procedures to ensure bug-free features.

Quality Assurance

Implementing rigorous testing procedures to ensure bug-free features.

Quality Assurance

Implementing rigorous testing procedures to ensure bug-free features.

November 2021


Project kickoff and product design

December 2021

Registration and login

Implemented login and registration via link, email notifications, and PayU integration. This phase ensured that users could easily sign up, receive timely updates, and make secure payments through a trusted platform.

January 2022

Storing card data

Enabled storing debit/credit card data, developed bidding logic, and prepared auction content including FAQs. These features enhanced user convenience, streamlined the bidding process, and provided comprehensive information to address any user queries

February 2022




The auction was initially planned as a one-time event lasting up to three days, with all profits donated to a selected children's mental health foundation. Although an NFT was auctioned, all transactions were conducted in fiat currency, with the NFT transfer to the winner finalized post-auction. This approach made the auction accessible to a broader audience who might not be familiar with cryptocurrency transactions.

The primary goal was to spark interest in the charity auction among existing users and attract a younger audience, aiming to raise significant funds for the cause. The timing was critical, strategically placed to precede 'The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity'—Poland's largest charity event—to maximize impact and visibility without competing for attention. By leveraging the popularity of digital art and NFTs, we aimed to create a buzz and draw attention to the important issue of children's mental health


Key features

User-Friendly Interface

Carefully designed front-end with an intuitive search engine, detailed event pages, and an easy submission process for organizers.

Secure Payment Integration

Integrated with PayU, the platform ensured that all transactions were secure and efficient. Users could store their debit and credit card information securely, making the bidding process smooth and hassle-free.

Real-Time Bidding System

The developed bidding logic allowed for real-time updates, ensuring that users could see the latest bids and respond quickly. This feature kept the auction dynamic and competitive, driving higher bids and more engagement.

Comprehensive Auction Content

Detailed FAQs and auction content were prepared to educate users about the process, the cause, and how the NFT transfer would work. This transparency built trust and encouraged more users to participate.

Email Notifications

Automated email notifications kept users informed about their bids, auction status, and other important updates. This ensured that participants were always in the loop and could act promptly.

Auction Management Tools

Advanced tools were developed to manage the auction efficiently, including features to monitor bid activity, handle user inquiries, and ensure a smooth end-to-end auction process.

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