Alina Jakubowicz & Marika Zajączkowska
min read
Last Update:
October 3, 2023

As FinTech technologies play an increasingly crucial role in our everyday lives, the importance of testing financial applications increases as well. Reliability, security, and accuracy is a key for the financial sector. In this article, we will focus on explaining how test automation can help maximize test coverage and quality assurance in FinTech applications.

What is test coverage in FinTech? 

First of all, it is worth explaining what test coverage is. 

This term stands for the degree to which a specified item has been exercised by a test suite to check if it works according to established demands. The test coverage measures how many percent of the source code or the application’s functionality has been tested by manual or automated tests.

When we speak about FinTech, we should keep in mind the fact that FinTech applications often serve financial transactions, store users’ sensitive data, and connect with various bank systems. This is why it is crucial to ensure that the application works well, and is resistant to errors and cybernetic attacks. The importance of test coverage refers to the safety, reliability, and client’s satisfaction.

Test coverage can be used in different aspects and areas of the application. Source code test coverage can measure the percentage of how much of the source code has been tested. It concerns both unit and integration tests. 

Function test coverage stands for the percentage of how many functionalities of the application have been tested. It can include testing the user’s registration, financial operations, or managing the user's account. 

Another area of test coverage is performance test coverage, which is responsible for checking how the application handles a great number of users, transactions, and data processing. 

We should also remember the coverage of mapping business processes. It is essential to test if the application works according to some business requirements and processes that are characteristic of FinTech applications. 

The importance of test coverage in FinTech

Test coverage has a considerable impact on FinTech applications. High test coverage means that a great number of test scenarios and different test cases have been tested which leads to better quality of product. 

FinTech applications usually refer to financial services; therefore any errors can have serious consequences, and it is important to eliminate them at the test level. 

These kinds of applications must work infallibly to enable users to manage their finances safely. It's also important to mention that high test coverage:

  • Helps detect potential errors which results in greater quality and reliability of the final product. It is good to remember that FinTech is a dynamic area that is often updated and adjusted to new market requirements and technological innovations.

  • Enables quick reaction for those changes since the new functions and modifications are tested to make sure that they will not introduce any unexpected errors. Even though investment in testing may seem to be costly, it can reduce the costs of subsequent repairs and customer service. 

Without a doubt, it is more efficient to fix bugs at the level of building the application. It is good to mention that test coverage can help to document which parts of the application have been tested and what test cases have been checked. This results in greater transparency at the level of creating the application and gives more trust to the users. 

The Challenges of Comprehensive Testing

Getting complete test coverage in the FinTech field can be tough because of its special features. It means you need to understand the unique things about FinTech and change how you test to match what's needed and the risks involved.

One of the challenges of comprehensive testing is business complexity. FinTech applications serve several financial functionalities such as

  • financial operations, 
  • managing users’ accounts and wallets,
  • data analysis. 

Undoubtedly, each of these functionalities can have a great number of possible test scenarios, which makes the testing process complex. We cannot forget that FinTech applications have to meet strict regulatory requirements that are related to financial data security. 

Very often testing the correspondence of these protections and security authentication can be complicated and time-consuming. In addition, FinTech applications have to work on different platforms such as web browsers, mobile devices, or desktop platforms. It increases the test’s complexity and requires consistency of all of these platforms. What is more, reliable tests demand access to real financial data. It may turn out not to be easy to provide it while preserving confidentiality and security simultaneously. 

Also, the financial branch is prone to volatile market conditions, which may have an impact on different aspects of FinTech applications. Those conditions are dynamic and may change depending on economic politics, geopolitical events, or some consumer trends. For FinTech applications compliance with those aspects is crucial. 

The mentioned variables influence the effectiveness of investment strategies, risk assessment, financial planning, and of course, testing. Not only are the market conditions changing, but also technology. New technologies and tools may have an impact on test strategies and require constant adaptation. 

We also need to remember that FinTech applications often integrate with external providers such as banks or payment systems. Integrity assurance of these integrations constitutes a great challenge. 

What are the benefits of automated testing? 

Expanding on the discussion about the difficulties of thorough testing mentioned in the previous chapter, now we turn our attention to the distinct role played by test automation in FinTech applications. With the increasing complexity and dynamism of financial applications, the demand for an effective testing solution becomes essential to meet the requirements of quality, reliability, and regulatory compliance. One of the most important tools that supports the FinTech sector in achieving these goals is automated tests. 

Let's now proceed with an in-depth analysis of these benefits and explore how automated testing can enhance the quality, reliability, and security of FinTech applications. It also aids in meeting regulatory requirements.

1. Speeding up the testing process

Automated tests are much faster than manual tests. When the development team makes changes to the source code, automated tests can be run automatically, which enables immediate verification that the new changes have not negatively affected the existing functionality. Thanks to this, bugs can be detected at an early stage, speeding up the repair process and helping to avoid delays in delivering the final product.

2. Increasing repeatability

Automated tests are a great tool to increase the repeatability of the testing process. For FinTech applications where precision and reliability are key, tests must be performed according to carefully defined steps and scenarios. Automated tests ensure that the same test scenarios are applied consistently every time they are run. This is crucial to avoid accidental errors that could occur due to fatigue or oversights in manual testing.

3. Comprehensive test coverage

Automated tests enable the testers to check diverse cases, including complex and uncommon ones. In the FinTech sector, where applications need to support multiple transaction scenarios, various payment types, or unique conditions, comprehensive test coverage is crucial. Automated tests can simulate different scenarios, and check whether the application can cope with each of them.

4. Minimization of human errors

Manual tests are prone to human errors, such as overlooking a test script or making a mistake in test execution. Automation eliminates these risks because tests are executed according to pre-programmed scripts, which reduces the likelihood of mistakes during testing.

How to achieve comprehensive test scenarios?

Let's take a look at the comprehensive test coverage mentioned in the previous chapter and consider how test automation can be a key tool in achieving extensive test scenarios. As we already know, in the FinTech sector where precision, reliability, and compliance are crucial, we need to find effective solutions to test the various aspects of our FinTech applications fully.

As an exhaustive approach, test automation allows us to precisely test various cases, including those most critical for FinTech applications. It offers us tools to construct many different test scenarios that can simulate the real conditions of the application's functioning. 

Now we will analyze how automated tests help us identify potential problems and verify that our application is ready for the various challenges that may be encountered in a real financial environment.

1. Testing various types of Test Cases

As the financial industry becomes more complex, applications have to deal with a variety of transaction types, currencies, and market situations. Automation enables the creation of precise test scenarios that can reflect the real-life functioning of the application in a dynamic financial environment. We can simulate a range of transaction complexities, from basic to more advanced, and observe how our application responds to diverse scenarios.


For instance, if our application supports currency transactions, we can implement automated tests to simulate various currencies, exchange rates, and transaction types like buying or selling. Thanks to this, we can be sure that our application works properly and efficiently handles various types of transactions that may occur in real life.

2. The Effective Testing of Critical Scenarios

In the FinTech sector, various scenarios are crucial for application functionality. These include currency transactions, customer identity verification, and risk management. Automated tests effectively cover these critical cases, simulating diverse situations to ensure seamless application handling. 

For example, within currency transactions, we can replicate abrupt rate spikes to evaluate stability. Test automation helps to uncover potential errors across various scenarios. As a result, we can be sure that our application can perform effectively even in uncommon and challenging situations. This is an important aspect that guarantees not only the reliability but also the security of our FinTech application.

3. Quality and Reliability Assurance

Comprehensive test scenarios are key to ensuring the highest quality and reliability of our applications. Using automated tests, we can catch errors and potential problems at the earlier stages of development, which significantly reduces the risk of possible complications in the production phase. This, in turn, enables us to deliver FinTech applications that are much more reliable and designed to meet all the requirements of the dynamic financial market.

Strategies for security and compliance 

In this chapter, we will highlight the role of test automation in ensuring compliance with regulations and security standards in FinTech applications. We will explain how automated testing can effectively help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in security, which is crucial to maintaining customer data security and compliance with regulations.

1. Compliance with regulations and safety standards

In today's regulatory financial environment, compliance with regulations and security standards is critical. Automated tests verify whether an application meets the requirements set by regulatory bodies and security standards. 

Take, for example, a situation where industry regulations require that financial transactions are confirmed by the customer using two-step verification. By using automated tests, we can create various test scenarios that will assess whether the application implements this functionality as required. If automated tests detect that this feature is not working properly, we have the opportunity to take steps to fix that before the application goes to market.

2. Identification of Vulnerabilities and Security Gaps

Automated testing can also play a key role in identifying potential vulnerabilities and security gaps. By testing various cyberattack scenarios, automated tests help find potential entry points for hackers or unauthorized users. This enables the implementation of appropriate measures to safeguard the application against potential threats.

3. Effectiveness and repeatability of security tests

Automated tests allow for repeatable and effective testing of application security. These tests can be run on-demand or scheduled to run regularly, ensuring continuous security assessment of the application. This allows the development team to respond quickly to new threats.

4. Safeguarding Reputation and Customer Trust

Security and compliance are key to maintaining customer trust in the FinTech sector. Ensuring the security of customer personal and financial data is not only a legal requirement but also a foundation for long-term growth and success. Test automation helps ensure that the application operates by high-security standards, which affects the reputation and trust of customers.

Scaling up for the future: Strategic considerations

Test automation plays a key role in the test process as the FinTech applications increase their number. Scalability means adaptation to increasing complexity, the number of users and functionalities, and at the same time keeping a high quality and effectiveness of tests. Test automation constitutes a great help in that area.

Surely test automation allows for fast and repetitive test execution. As the number of FinTech applications increases, the number of tests that are necessary to be run may increase significantly. Automation enables us to run the tests in a short period, and eliminate the monotonous tasks of manual testing. 

Along with the FinTech applications’ growth, the amount of code and functionalities may expand. Manual testing of all of the aspects becomes hard and inefficient. Thanks to the automation we can cover a greater number of code lines and test scenarios, which is essential in complex applications. 

What is more, as we already know, FinTech applications can work on different platforms. Automation helps to create a set of tests that can be executed on both various web browsers and mobile devices, minimize the risk of error, and provide coherence. 

Another area where automation can play a key role as the scalability is going forward with an increased number of users, is performance testing. It allows us to simulate a considerable number of users, and assess the application’s performance during the enhanced load. 

It is also good to wonder what future trends concerning automated tests in the FinTech area can look like. Surely they involve several innovations that aim to increase the effectiveness and reliability of tests’ processes. 

  • One of them is AI test automation. AI can create repetitive and time-consuming tests, allowing the testers to focus on more complex and creative tasks. AI testing tools can identify elements on a web page, and generate functional tests and user interface tests with no human interference. Also, AI can create test cases by using machine learning’s algorithms to analyze historical data and explore new patterns. This information can be used to create new test scenarios that are more effective in identifying defects. As a result, testers can determine their test priorities better, and focus on areas with the highest risk of failure. Another promising use of AI is the ability to foresee possible defects before they occur. By analyzing patterns of change in the code, historical data concerning some defects, and test results, AI models can help to recognize those parts of code where there is the biggest chance of defects appearing. It enables testers to prevent potential issues from happening before they reach the end users.

  • Another future consideration can be security tests’ automation. As cybernetic attacks happen more often, it is crucial to secure FinTech applications well. Security test automation enables us to identify the loopholes in the security system. We cannot also forget about data analysis automation. In FinTech applications a great amount of data must be automated to understand the trends and make decisions. It can help identify the patterns and anomalies. What is more, cloud testing can become a more popular solution. Moving test processes to the Cloud enables us to scale the test resources, which is important for dynamically developing FinTech applications. 

In conclusion: automation's significance in FinTech test coverage

As we can see from the conclusions above, using test automation is important for covering more tests in FinTech apps. Automated tests, known for their speed, repeatability, and ability to test various scenarios, are essential for guaranteeing reliability, security, and top-tier financial services. As financial technology advances, test automation becomes even more vital for staying competitive and earning customer trust.

Automated tests make testing FinTech applications highly efficient, covering important scenarios like currency transactions, customer identity verification, and risk management. This meticulous testing detects potential issues during development, reducing the chances of problems arising in production. Additionally, automated testing plays a crucial role in meeting the regulations and security requirements vital in today's financial landscape.

In the ever-evolving financial market, characterized by constant innovation, the role of test automation becomes even more important. Its ability to adapt to changing requirements and proficiently identify potential issues empowers FinTech applications to deliver high-quality services. Automated tests lay the groundwork for stability and a competitive edge, which translates into customer satisfaction and long-term business success.

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