Anna Buczak
min read
Last Update:
January 11, 2024

We were invited to become a partner at Wrocław Blockchain Meetup #25 which took place on July 13, 2020. During this event, our experts gave substantive presentations on the basic concepts of blockchain technology.

About Wroclaw Blockchain Meetup

It was 25th meetup organized in Wrocław, Poland. For the first time, it was conveyed in a new format of online streaming. Each meetup is dedicated to blockchain related topics. During the meeting, there are demos, lightning talks, hackathons and lots of opportunities to meet new devs and blockchain geeks from Wrocław.

The goal is to raise awareness of blockchain technology amongst developers and enthusiasts and to create a space to collaborate and exchange knowledge.

Our blockchain professionals on the meetup

We were honored to provide comprehensive presentations on the following topics:

  1. A technical introduction to Blockchain technology - Konrad Rotkiewicz (CEO at Ulam Labs)

Watch the presentation to get answear to these questions:

  • What is a mempool?
  • What is a nonce in PoW block?
  • How programmers talk to a blockchain node?

  1. Bitcoin vs. Ethereum: Comparison of two most popular cryptocurrencies - Sławomir Górawski (Software Engineer at Ulam Labs)

From the presentation you will learn:

  • Why these cryptocurrencies were both created in the first place?
  • What are the technical differences between them?

About Blockchain technology

Blockchain is the most disruptive technology of recent years. The technology has allowed for the creation of P2P electronic money that replaces intermediaries - such as banks, with a trust layer not controlled by any one entity. Blockchain reaches far beyond financial sector, it is applicable to many other market industries: supply chain, healthcare, retail, banking, insurance, and many more.

If you want to learn more about blockchain technology, read our blog.

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