Anna Buczak
min read
Last Update:
January 15, 2024

We’ve never thought that among all the blockchain and crypto projects we are involved in, we will receive our branded NFT. And here it is, Ulam Labs card with a beautiful landscape of Wrocław.

Ulam Labs- NFT card on AlgoWorld

How did it all start?

As a go-to partner for blockchain projects, we serve clients all over the world in creating various crypto software like lending platforms, crypto exchanges or AMM protocols, but there was one blockchain project that we developed under our roof as an open source project – OpenNFT, described in details here.

OpenNFT is a white label NFT marketplace built on Algorand. It allows you to introduce NFTs with a secure marketplace swiftly, while equipping them with all the features you need. The solution is fast to deploy and endlessly customizable.

Once we launched it, some independent developers started building their own NFT marketplaces using our code. One of them is AlgoWorld, a collection of NFT trading cards representing countries and cities around the globe. It was launched by an experienced software engineer, using parts of OpenNFT. As for today, AlgoWorld is followed by more that 3,000 NFT enthusiasts, and more than 1,500 cards were created and placed on the marketplace. It was one of the first project-specific NFT Marketplaces in the whole Algorand ecosystem.

Recipe for creating a great corporate NFT card

AlgoWorld has given us the opportunity to create our own NFT card with the city of Wroclaw, where Ulam Labs is headquartered. We wanted to make the card a collaborative effort of the whole company, so we organized a creative contest for all our employees.

The rules were simple: each person could send us up to three photos picturing Wroclaw. The next step was voting, which was divided into two parts: the first where all Ulam Labs employees vote for the best three photos, and the second part where the jury was to choose the photo that would be minted on the AlgoWorld NFT card.

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We are proud of all the employees who took such an active part in our contest. Even if some of them didn't feel like sharing their own photos, they were all voting! This was amazing as it proves that we are a team–even if some of us are not the players on the field, the rest is cheering them from the stands.

Anna Buczak
Employer Branding Specialist

It wasn't an easy choice but after the discussion, the jury decided to pick one photo for the main prize–Marika Zajączkowska, our QA Specialist. There were two more consolation prizes for Klaudia Gora and Mateusz Walczak, our Developers. Marika became the owner of new camera and received the Ulam Labs’ NFT.

Marika Zajączkowska QA specialist - Ulam Labs

Once again, we’d like to thank to all the participants and supporters!

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